“The History of Philosophy as a Tool for Flourishing”

“The History of Philosophy as a Tool for Flourishing”


June 23, 2024 3:00 pm

Prometheus on Campus is coming to Atlanta!

We will be speaking to the Level Up conference on how the History of Philosophy can be used—and thought of—as a tool for flourishing. We all have a philosophy: a view of the world and human nature, and of how we know what’s true and what’s good. The philosophy we accept—whether consciously or by default—has a profound impact on our lives. And the history of this field sheds vital light on this fact. It’s a fascinating story brimming with characters, ideas, problems, and solutions—all of which can help you to think better and live better. We will survey some of this history and discuss how his life has improved by studying the history of philosophy, and how yours can too.

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